ideal student is one who is interested in learning new things. His interest is
steady and wanes only if the subject matter does not suit his inner nature. A
good student however works hard at learning whatever is being taught in the
coursework assigned. He utilises his brain to think, research, study,
experiment for himself and find results. He does not depend on other people
finding out the answers and handing them over to him, but thrives in doing his
own thinking. A good student is an avid reader, a good listener, analyser, and
has good comprehension skills due to these qualities. His memory is also good
because he "imbibes" the knowledge and knowledge is not superficial.
An ideal student is the wealth and future of this nation, hope of the family
and pride of the school. He respects his teachers and is helpful as well as
friendly to his class-fellows. An ideal student always takes an active part in
academic as well as in extra-curricular activities of his school. He is
hard-working. He is both attentive and punctual in his studies. He is always in
the good book of his teachers. An ideal student is disciplined and obedient. He
is not a bookworm but an all rounder. Games and studies go side by side with
him. He knows that sound mind
lives in a sound body. He always sticks to his right ideals and
aims.Simple living and high thinking is
the motto of his life. An ideal student is the true patriot. He is
prepared to serve his country heart and soul and sacrifice himself for the
welfare of his country. It is his deep-rooted wish that his country should
occupy the place of pride among the nations of the world. Since our country is
passing through a difficult period of struggle, it is badly in need of ideal
students and citizens. The nation can reach the zenith of glory if our students
become ideal and participate in the task of national reconstruction. An ideal
student is the spark of hope, glory and prosperity of his country. The students
of today are the leaders of tomorrow. The future of the country depends upon
the students only. Every student should, therefore, try to become an ideal
student. An ideal student is ideal in his work, conduct and thought. An ideal
student is ever cheerful, positive, optimistic, cooperative disciplined and
labourious. He is obedient and respectful. He pays proper respect to teachers,
elders and his senior students. He is punctual, regular and cooperative and
helps other students as best as he can. He spends some of his spare time in the
library, reading books, magazines and newspapers but is never a bookworm. At
the same time he takes active part in games and sports and co-curricular
activities. He never neglects his body nor studies. He pays particular
attention to the proper and all round development of his personality. He takes
special care to have good moral character and courage. He is friendly, kind and
cooperative and liked by his friends and teachers. He is always active, smart,
well-dressed, good mannered and humble. He need not wear fashionable or costly
clothes or uniform. He is healthy, cheerful and good looking but need not be
handsome and fashionable. His manners are acceptable, courteous and natural.
Wherever he goes he spreads good cheer, warmth and friendliness. He is obedient
but sometimes may be a little naughty. He enjoys good things of life in
moderation and never acquires bad habits. He always keeps away from the bad
company. He aims at all-round development of his growing personality. He loves
studies as much as games and sports. He takes daily some physical exercise to
keep his body fit and trim. He believes in the saying that "All work and
no play makes jack a dull boy". Moderation and balance is the hall-mark of
an ideal student's life An ideal student is well aware of his duties and
responsibilities as a student. He knows how much he owes to his parents,
teachers and the society. He takes the full advantage of the opportunities
offered. He uses his time wisely and in a planned way and believes that time is
money. He knows that students are the future citizens, leaders, parents and
scientists. This sense makes him devote all his energies to developing himself
a meaningful and useful citizen of the country. He is always proud of his
country, its history, culture and heritage. An ideal student takes keen
interest in social and welfare activities in his own way. He wants to make the
world a better place. He studies the lives of great men and women of the
country and draws inspiration from them. He tries to follow them and their
teachings. He is never misguided nor suffers from an complex.
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